Short Speech on Respect

All the resent dignitaries, respected teachers and my dear students. Today the topic of my speech is respect. It’s an appreciation feeling for a specific person, community, and object or stuff. It can be for sspecial behaviour. It is obvious that to gain the respect we should give respect in society. Kindness and honour are shown by respect for other people.

Respect is always earned and can never be demanded. Respect is always earned through good and noble deeds. Shortcuts make it impossible to obtain it. It brings peace and harmony in society.

It’s very important that we should respect everyone in our life who we met and respect is the greatest treasure. This is obtained from our behavior at our home and office. Parents should always teach their children to respect everyone at their schools and home. In this way, love and peace are inculcated in them. Only this way a positive society is formed. Today people get angry on small stuff and don’t talk to each other.On the other hand, if we teach our children that they should forgive others and truly respect each other than believe me this world will become a living paradise. Children will grow happy.

On the other hand, we should all also respect our environment. It means that we should not throw garbage on trash and roads. We should not make our roads and public places dirty. In this way, good moral habits are inculcated in the children.

Respect your culture and religion. With the world becoming global village traditions, cultures and practices are changed but we all should stick to the culture in which we grew. Never disrespect your culture. There is no hard and fast rule that what is the definition of respect is. It varies according to the conditions and different situations. We respect people whom we love and sometimes we respect people without any return.e.g if you are traveling in a bus and a disabled person is standing next to you and can’t find a seat. So you give your seat to him and in this way you don’t need anything in return.

Small deeds help to make you respectable in the society. Firstly start respecting yourself and this will make you a positive person. I hope you like my speech.


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