Debate on Abortion | Is it Right To Abort An Unborn Child?

Debate on Abortion: Is it Right To Abort An Unborn Child?  Abortions are only morally correct when used for medical reasons or they happen naturally as in miscarriage.

Respected Judges, teachers and all the esteemed audience gathered here, a very good morning. I —– , will express my views on the Debate on Abortion.  I strongly disagree with abortion. I believe that abortion should be illegal. In this Debate on Abortion, I’ll put forth my opinions on why I don’t agree with abortion.

Abortion refers to the act of terminating the pregnancy by removing the fetus or the embryo from the uterus before its birth.

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Debate on Abortion has been a controversial topic for many years. Even though abortion is legal in some countries, abortions are only morally correct when used for medical reasons or they happen naturally as in miscarriage.

The Debate on Abortion deals with the rights and wrongs involved in abortion that is terminating a pregnancy before normal childbirth.

I always wonder how a woman with a living being in her womb can abort an unborn child. Women are the very softhearted creature made by God then how can she do this cruelty.

According to my, abortion is next to murder. Who we are to decide whether the living being that a woman gives birth should live or die. We have no right to kill the unborn child. Aborting a child must be declared an offense. Abortion is not mere a medical process it is a matter of life or death. If we conclude that abortion is not morally wrong, that doesn’t mean that it’s right to abortion; we need to ask whether having an abortion is the best thing to do in each particular case.

People are killing their unborn children or terminating unwanted pregnancies for no reason. Many think that abortion is just a medical process to terminate the pregnancy. Most people have abortions because they are financially unstable to look after the child or unwillingness to be a single mother or because of problems in relationships. Let the problem be any we don’t have the right to kill an unborn child in the mother’s womb itself. God has given him/her life so let them see this world don’t commit a murder.

Abortion for unwanted pregnancy due to rape is another controversial topic. Babies born of this act are not accepted by society, since the sexual act is forced. Many say killing these unborn babies in the mother’s womb itself is okay but is it? No, not at all the unborn deserve life. According to me even for rape,  the unborn child shouldn’t be punished for a wrong act. What is the fault of the unborn innocent child? It’s society that should make moves to accept such children with full respect.

Another major reason for abortion is the girl child. Due to reasons like dowry, people don’t want a girl child and commit crimes like femicides.

In my research for Debate on Abortion, I found that around 58 million abortions are performed throughout the year in the entire world. And among them, 45% of abortions are done unsafely. And these unsafe abortions with hazardous equipment lead to almost 47000 deaths every year with 5 million hospitalized.

According to some people, abortion is an easy way to abort an unwanted pregnancy. Though there are many ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy women have to undergo abortion in many cases. People are unaware of the side effects of abortion caused on the woman’s body. Abortion causes many health risks to women’s bodies. There are numerous risks like continuous bleeding, bacterial infections, unfinished abortion, clotting of blood, etc. It may also lead to other complications like heart failure, difficulties in breathing, shocks, complications in the metabolic processes, and even ectopic pregnancies.

In ancient times, abortions were performed using herbs and sharp tools which were at more risk. Though a woman is physically disturbed because of abortion as well as it also disturbs her mentally.

Debate on Abortion wants to highlight that the methods used by married women to avoid pregnancy have high failure rates. Among married women who want to delay or stop childbearing, many are using less effective methods. The reasons why women opt for less effective methods may include a lack of knowledge about modern methods, religious values that prescribe modern contraceptive use, concern about side effects, partners’ objections and difficulty in paying for obtaining a modern method. Also, Contraceptive use does not necessarily provide complete protection against pregnancy;

Debate on Abortion also highlights one or more of a cluster of reasons related to having to postpone a birth at a particular stage of life, such as “having a child will snatch my freedom of living,” “I want to pursue my career before I have a child,” “having a child now will affect my career” and “I am not ready for that responsibility.” Also reasons like not wanting to be a single mother, and the objection of parents having a child at that time is responsible for abortion. Relationship problems and the objections of a husband or partner are also some reasons for abortion.

Women get abortions done all over the world, they don’t realize that they’re hurting themselves. They’re hurting another human being. Scientists did a study and it shows that the fetus can feel pain while being aborted. So I conclude my debate on abortion with a message that women should not get an abortion, because they are killing a living being that didn’t ask to be here, even the fetus can feel pain.

Debate on Abortion

FAQ’s on Debate on Abortion

Question 1.

What is abortion?


Abortion is to terminate an unwanted pregnancy so that it doesn’t result in the birth of a child. The fetus is removed from the womb before it can live on its own.

Question 2.

What is a fetus?


Generally, an unborn baby is called an embryo from conception until the eighth week of development. After the eighth week, the baby will be called a fetus until it’s born.

Question 3.

What are the side effects of abortion on a women’s body?


Abortion causes many health risks to women’s bodies. There are numerous risks like continuous bleeding, bacterial infections, unfinished abortion, clotting of blood, etc. It may also lead to other complications like heart failure, difficulties in breathing, shocks, complications in the metabolic processes, and even ectopic pregnancies

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