An ideal student makes the best use of the Student life, which is formative period of life. Students are the future citizens. So, a ideal student builds his career in such a way so that he can do service for the country and bear some responsibilities.
The first and foremost quality of an ideal student is to read and prepare his lesson. It is the high time for him to build his health and form good habits.
He should take part in games and sports. He should cultivate the habits of punctuality, discipline, diligence. He should be truthful, honest and faithful.
An ideal student should know know the value of time. He should not waste his time in idle gossip.
An ideal student should be dutiful to his family, his society and his country. Students should do social services. They should drive away illiteracy. They should nurse the stick and remove the distress of the people during natural and national calamities. They should voice their protest against wrong and injustice.
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