Is Geo thermal energy renewable or non-renewable?

Geo thermal energy is defined as a renewable source of energy. Renewable energy is energy that is not depleted or ‘used up’ no matter how much we make use of it. Renewable energy sources can thus always be relied on whenever we want to use them.

Geo thermal comes from two Greek words meaning earth and heat respectively. Thus, geo thermal energy is energy that comes from the heat of the earth’s core. It can take many forms, from hot springs to volcanic channels of hot air. Because the earth’s core is not in danger of depletion when humans use geo thermal energy, it is classed as renewable energy.

Geo thermal energy can be used in two ways: directly and when converted. Hot springs and air currents can be used directly to heat homes by means of building the house directly above the geo thermal energy source or using pipes to pipe hot water into a nearby building. Indirectly, technology can be used to convert geo thermal energy into electrical energy.

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