ainy Days – Essay

Rainy day means a typical day where a part of the daytime or the entire day time weather, has rain showers of some intensity. Typically, ‘Rainy Day’ is a weather report terminology.

Generally speaking, a rainy day would indicate a day, with a weather forecast of substantial rain showers throughout a significant number of hours of the daytime.

During summers the temperatures are so high that people wish for rain to come pounding. The sky is always clear, and the scorching sun is the last thing people wish to see. Whenever there are traces of dark clouds, people rejoice and wait for the rains so that the dust can be swept away and the temperatures fall to acceptable levels. The fall of rain is met with great ecstasy by people both young and old since they know that crops will blossom and fruits will grow.

After a rainy day, virtually every living creature assumes a fresh look. The grass which hitherto looked pale yellow assumes a new greenish look that is amazing to watch. Herbivores such as cows, goats, and horses feed on the fresh grass and other plants thus forgetting the drought which they faced a couple of days before the rains. The birds in their hundreds sing from the top of trees in rejoicing melodies thanks to the new feeling brought about by the rain.

After the rains come to an end, some roads are rendered impassable owing to the pools of water as well as mud which causes a lot of trouble to the users. The thatched houses give in and start to leak while weak structures are destroyed.

A rainy day during summer is a welcome thing to many people as well as plants and animals as it brings much joy to them. Temperatures are lowered while at the same time getting rid of dust and imminent drought.

Various Contexts of a Rainy Day

A few examples of the various contexts of a rainy day are as follows:

Rainy day for students

A typical rainy day for students would indicate a day with severe rain showers in the weather forecast. The reason this is important for students and parents is that traveling to and from schools can be challenging. Particularly in towns and countries where rainy days can lead to traffic problems, schools can be closed on rainy days.

Rainy day for working people

Rainy days are important for working people to plan for in advance. Working people have a limited number of leaves of absence allotted per year. They prefer not to waste them on circumstances related to weather changes. Also, some working people can have important work assignments that cannot be neglected even on rainy days.

Rainy day for farmers

Rainy days are very important for farmers because the growth of their field crops depends directly on sufficient rainwater availability.


Rainy days have different meanings for different people. But rainy days indeed create some impact, good or bad, in everyone’s lives.

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