Wild Animals: Short Essay on Wild Animals

Wild Animals refer to the species of all animals which are not domestic. They are free living animals in jungles and other open areas where human don’t live. These animals usually live in open areas.

Some examples of Wild animals includes: Fox, Tiger, Lion, Panda, Rhino, Riendeer, Squirrel, Giant Panda, etc.

In these areas specific wild animals are found: Sahara desert, Africa, North America, South Pole of Antarctica.

Among these Wild animal many species of different organisms are on the verge of extinction due to the following reasons:

  1. Global Warming
  2. Ozone depletion
  3. Genetic Engineering

All the above reasons contribute to the extinction of the wild animals. They are the beauty of our wild life.

It is important to take massive measures to save the endangered wild animals

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