Consequences of Global Warming Essay

Essay on Consequences of Global Warming for Students

Global warming is the continual rise in the Earth’s surface temperature and its subsequent impact on its climatic conditions. Global warming has caused adverse effects on the earth’s atmosphere. It has led to extreme weather conditions which in turn have adversely affected the life on the planet. Global warming, caused due to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon and methane, has led to several negative repercussions including rise in the sea level, increase in the air pollution and extreme weather conditions in various regions.


We have provided below short and long essay on consequences of global warming in English for your information and knowledge.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language to let you easily memorize it and present whenever required.

After going through these consequences of global warming essay you will know how global warming does affect the climate and environment; how it does result in frequent wildfires; how global warming causes health concerns; impact of global warming on air, water and land; how it changes the precipitation patterns; results in rise of ocean level.

The essays will be extremely useful for you during your school/college assignments, wherein you are required to write an essay, give a speech or take part in debate on the subject of consequences of global warming.


Global warming is the constant rise in the temperature on the Earth. This is said to be caused due to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane. The level of these gases is increasing in the atmosphere due to increased vehicular pollution and industrial smoke and with this the Earth’s surface temperature is also rising.

Here is a quick look at some of the consequences of global warming:

  • It has resulted in the rise in the sea level making the coastal areas more prone to floods.
  • The level of pollution in the air has gone up.
  • It has increased the frequency and intensity of the heat waves.
  • It has resulted in frequent wildfires.
  • It has resulted in extreme weather conditions giving way to storms, hurricanes heat waves, floods and droughts in different regions.
  • It has given rise to several health problems including breathing problems, lung infection, sun stroke and organ failure among others.

Global warming is a cause of serious concern. Its consequences can be negated only if the carbon emission is brought down. While the governments of different countries are working in this direction, it is also the duty of the individuals to contribute their bit to control the carbon emission.



Global warming, the term coined by New Jersey scientist, Wally Broecker, refers to the rise in the average temperature on Earth due to the emission of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. These gases are emitted by vehicles, factories and a number of sources. These hazardous gases trap heat on the Earth rather than letting it disappear in the atmosphere thereby causing a rise in the temperature.


The climate on Earth is getting warmer as a result of global warming and this is having negative repercussions on the environment. Here is a detailed look at the consequences of global warming:

Impact on Air

Increase in the Earth’s surface temperature has given rise to air pollution. This is because rise in temperature aggravates ground level ozone which is formed when carbon gases react with sunlight and heat. Increase in the level of air pollution has given way to several health problems. Cases of breathing problems and lung infections have increased drastically. Asthma patients are worst affected by this.

Impact on Water

Glaciers are melting and the ocean water is getting warmer as a result of global warming. Together, this has led to an increase in the sea level. The sea level is expected to rise further with the increase in the temperature in the times to come. This is a cause of concern as this would create flood situation in the coastal and low-lying areas thereby disrupting life. In addition to this, ocean water has become acidic due to which the aquatic life is at threat.

Impact on Land

Global warming has caused extreme weather conditions. Many places are experiencing frequent and heavy rains and are thus faced with heavy floods while certain regions are experiencing extreme drought. This has not only impacted the life of people but has also degraded the condition of the land in these areas. Agricultural lands have been impacted adversely due to this.



Global warming is a rise in the average surface temperature of Earth because of the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide. Emitted by vehicles, factories and various other sources, these gases trap the heat that should otherwise escape from the Earth. Global warming has affected the Earth’s atmosphere adversely and is likely to impact it further in the times to come. Here is a look at the consequences of global warming:


  1. Changes in the Precipitation Pattern

There has been a huge change in the precipitation pattern since the last few decades. Many areas are experiencing frequent and heavy rainfalls that cause a flood like situation while others are faced with drought. This has adversely affected the lives of people in this area.

  1. Increase in Heat Waves

The frequency and intensity of heat waves has increased due to the rise in the Earth’s surface temperature. This has given way to various health problems such as headaches, sun stroke, dizziness and even major organ damage.

  1. Rise in Sea Level and Effects on Oceans

There is a constant rise in the sea level because of the melting of the glaciers and the warming of the ocean water caused due to global warming. This is becoming a threat for those living in the coastal areas. Oceans, on the other hand, are becoming acidic because of the absorption of these gases and this is majorly disturbing the aquatic life.

  1. Growing Health Problems

The growing air pollution and changes in the climate has given rise to health problems. Breathing problems and lung infections are rising rapidly. Floods are giving way to the breeding of mosquitoes and flies which in turn is causing various infections. Increase in the heat waves has caused rise in problems such as headaches and dizziness that can lead to other serious health issues.

  1. Impact on Plants and Animals

Several species of plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth as they could not withstand the changing climatic conditions. The temperature is likely to rise further due to global warming as a result of which many more plant and animal species are likely to go extinct.


The continual rise in the temperature on Earth caused due to global warming is a cause of serious concern. This can be brought down by reducing carbon emission. Each and every individual must help in the reduction of these gases to lower the effects of global warming.



Global warming refers to the rise in the temperature on Earth and the subsequent changes in the atmosphere. This rise is mainly a result of the emission of carbon gases from different sources. The consequences of global warming differ based on different regions. However, overall it is having a negative impact on the life on Earth and its effects are likely to worsen in the times to come. Here is a detailed look at the consequences of global warming:

  1. Rise in the Sea Level

Sea level has risen as a result of global warming. The changes have been more evident since the 20th century. Mainly caused due to the melting of the glaciers and warming of the ocean water, the rise in the sea level is a threat for the people living in the coastal and low-lying areas as there is an increasing risk of flood.

  1. Erratic Rainfall Pattern

Rise in the temperature level has worst affected the rainfall pattern. Over the last few decades, while certain areas are experiencing drought others are faced with heavy floods. This has disrupted the life of people living in these areas.

  1. Increase in Wildfire

The rise in temperature has resulted in frequent wild fires and longer wild fire seasons. This is a huge threat to the wild life.

  1. Intense Heat Waves

Constant increase in the temperature on Earth has also given rise to the heat waves. Heat waves have become more intense and much more frequent and are causing several health issues.

  1. Growth in Health Problems

Health problems are on an all time rise due to global warming. The increased level of pollution in the air is causing breathing problems, lung infections and aggravating the problem for the asthma patients. Intense heat waves also cause health problems and so does heavy flood. Water accumulated in different areas due to flood is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and other insects and the infections caused by these are known to all.

  1. Damaging of Crops

Erratic rainfall pattern is not only having negative repercussions on the lives of the people but is also having adverse effect on the crops grown in those areas. Droughts as well as floods are damaging the crops. The agricultural lands are also being impacted badly due to such climatic conditions.

  1. Extinction of Animals

Global warming has not only been a cause of several health issues in human beings but has also made life difficult for various animals. The changes in the weather conditions have made survival difficult for many species of animals. Many of these have disappeared and several others are on the verge of going extinct.

  1. Extreme Weather Conditions

Global warming is also causing extreme weather conditions in various regions. Extreme summer season, heavy storms, intense cyclones, hurricanes, heavy rainfall, extreme drought are all a result of global warming.


Global Warming is a cause of huge concern. It is time we people start taking this issue seriously. Reduction in carbon emission can bring down the consequences of global warming. Hence, each one of us should do our bit to control it.

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