Principles of Quality Seed Production of Foundation and Certified Seed

Principles of Quality Seed Production of Foundation and Certified Seed

Use of quality seed of improved variety of notified variety of hybrids is a basic input in cultivation of any crops as it ensures high crop stand, vigorous and healthy crop growth and thereby it ensures high productivity of that crop. Use of certified seed assures the cultivators in getting quality seed, as certified seed production is subjected to the process of seed certification, and as per provisions of the seed Act only those seed lots which are offered for certification and which meet minimum certification standards are certified and other lots are rejected from certification.

Production of certified seed of any notified variety or hybrids or parental lines of hybrids requires technical knowledge of the principles involved and timely adoption of provisions of seed certification. It is therefore essential for the seed producer to acquaint with the principles of certified seed production.

Certified seed production can be undertaken for foundation stage ( for varieties, and inbreds or parental lines of hybrids) and for certified stage for only notified varieties and hybrids.

Before undertaking certified seed production either of foundation or certified stage, it is necessary to get well acquainted with the basic principles of seed production and formalities required to be completed.

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