Origin of Community Development and Etawah Pilot Project

Origin of Community Development and Etawah Pilot Project

Origin of Community Development:

During British period almost till independence various attempts were made to introduce development programme of different kinds mostly by individuals and some by recognized institutions. Most of these by the   individuals voluntary or Government agencies to promote development activities.

Etawah Pilot Project (1948) by Albert Mayer (U.P.):

Etawah pilot project was basically for rural and model of community development project. To grow more Food Comparing Enquiry Committee reported that 55  Community Development Project instituted in the year 1952 which later on became Community Development Programme covering the entire country through its 5000 and all Community Development Blocks. The other experiment worth mentioning was the Nilokheri Experiment initiated by S.K. Dey which emphasized on Agri Development including Poultry, Piggery, Horticulture etc. small and Cottage industries, establishment of Polytechnics and Engineering workshop.

Based upon the experience of the 55 Community Development Project of 1952, a nation wide Community Development Programme was initiated in the year 1953. Community Development was considered to be a process, a programme with clearly defined objectives to be achieved.

The extension education was declared as the means of method through which the objectives of Community Development Programme was to be achieved. Thus, officially, the National Extension Service was formed in the year 1953, which gradually covered the entire country. Though the Community Development programme, India has made a commitment to all round rural development.

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