Factors Affecting Seed Marketing

Factors Affecting Seed Marketing

Seed Marketing is greatly affected by the following factors:

1. Clear –cut Policy:

A clear- cut policy for developing the seed industry, defining the tasks and responsibilities of the official, semi-official, and private economic sectors is necessary for the development of seed marketing on sound footings.

2. Availability of well – identified and Adapted Varieties.

Needless to say, a seed programme would not have any impact unless superior varieties are regularly funnelled into the seed programmes. Without these, the seed marketing programme cannot expand. Current official information on new varieties that have been recommended, and released, for crop production helps in accelerating the programme.

3. Adequate production, storage and testing facilities. These are necessary for producing and maintaining seed quantities and qualities in accordance with established standards vital for the development of sound marketing.

4. Official Programme:

When new varieties/ hybrids are first being introduced, particularly among small-scale farmers, the government generally has to take the initiative and promote the supply arrangement. Another important role of government is to provide market information. Another important role of government is to provide market information, to set targets and to regulate and control agencies and enterprises.

5. Demand Forecast:

Realistic assessment and targets of seed demand are very necessary .Excessive quantities result in large carry-over stocks and subsequent losses, due to loss in germination and vigour of seeds, if carried over for too long. On the other hand, short supplies would deprive the seed company. 

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