Difference between Pureline and Pedigree Selection

Difference between Pureline and Pedigree Selection


Pureline Selection

Pedigree Selection


Selection from mixed population.

Selection from segregating population.


Record of parent to offspring relationship is not kept

Record of parent to offspring relationship is kept


Breeder is not able to obtain information about inheritance of characters.

Breeder is able to obtain information about inheritance of characters from pedigree records.


Not suitable for the improvement of characters which can be easily identified and simply inherited.

Suitable for improvement of characters, this can be easily identified and simply inherited.


Selection within progeny is not 5 effective.

Selection within progeny is effective.


The progress is upto limit of variability present in a mixed population.

The progress is beyond the limit of variability present in the population.


Each progeny in every generation cannot be traced back to the preveious progeny.

Each progeny in every generation can be traced back to the F2 from which it was originated.

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