Classification of Farming Systems- According to size of farm

Classification of Farming Systems- According to size of farm

According to the size of the farm:

1. Collective Farming:

It includes the direct collection of plant products from non-arable lands. It may include either regular or irregular harvesting of uncultivated plants; honeying and fishing usually go hand in hand with collection. Actual cultivation is not needed. The natural products like honey, gum, flower etc are collected. Such plant product may be collected from forestry area.

2. Cultivation Farming:

In this system, farming community cultivates the land for growing crops for obtaining maximum production per unit area.

i) Small Scale Farming: In this type, the farming is done on small size of holding and other factors of production are small in quantity and scale of production is also small.


i) Intensive cultivation is possible
ii) Labour problem do not affect the production.
iii) It is easy to manage the farm
iv) There is less loss due to natural calamities like frost, heavy rainfall, and diseases.
v) Per unit output increases


i) small- scale farming cannot take advantages of various economic measures:
i) Cost of production per unit is more
ii) Mechanization of agriculture is not possible.
iii) Farmer does not get employment round the year.

ii) Large scale farming: when farming is done on large size holding with large amount of capital, large labour force, large organization and large risk are called large- scale farming.

In other words when the factors of production are large in quantity, the small of farming is said to be large. In India 40 to 50 hectares land holding may be said large scale farming but in countries like America, Canada and Australia even 100 ha. Farms are also called as small farms.


1. Production of large scale farming is more economical. The cost of production per unit is less.
2. per unit production is increased.
3. Better marketing of agricultural products is possible. Processing, transportation, storage, packaging of produce is economical.
4. Costly machine like tractor, combined harvester can be maintained on the farm.
5. Subsidiary occupation such as dairy, poultry, bee keeping based on maintained on the farm.
6. Proper utilization of factors of production is possible.
7. Research work is possible.
8. It increases bargaining power of people.


1. If demand of produce decreases and production exceeds the market demand there will be more loss to the large farm.
2. In case of labour strike there will be more loss on the farm.
3. Due to natural calamities like frost, drought, flood, insects and diseases the large farm will suffer a lot.
4. It will be difficult to manage large scale farm.


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