Short speech on Dowry System in India

I believe that dowry system is the greatest curse of the Indian society. Demanding cash, jewellery and costly items of furniture like refrigerators, Television sets, mobile-phones, washing machines and other valuables is still most common in different parts of India by the bride groom during a marriage.

Due to dowry system, the sacred affair of marriage is destroyed and it is turned to a business deal. The brides are placed on the same class as those of cattle. The ugliest thing of this system is that the richer the family of the bride groom the higher is their demand. A marriage life that starts with such a business deal can never by happy. The parents of the brides are put to inhuman pressure for a handsome dowry in kind or cash whatever it may be. All the noble virtues of human beings like love, affection, sense of equality, liberal motive, gentleness, sympathy, kindness etc. are buried like rotten corpses. This system is found in both rich and poor community.

Therefore, it is high time to take effective steps against this social evil. It can be rooted out by generating public opinion against it. At the same time it is essential to pass strict laws for the exemplary punishment of the offenders. I hope, right thinking people will come forward to raise their voice against the Dowry System in India.

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