Short Essay on Television – 2 Essays

Short Essay on Television – Essay 1. 

The television is one of the best things that science has helped to bring into being. The television is a source that provides everyone with a lot of entertainment.

Television brings a wide array of things to see starting from movies, music and it also helps to gain knowledge as there are a lot of educative and informative programs that are shown daily.

Television, also shortened to be called a TV or tele was invented by a Scottish scientist named John Logie Baird. The word television is coined from two words. Tele meaning distant and vision meaning sight/to see. The television was initially designed to show images in motion in monochrome (i.e. black and white) format. This later changed as technological advancements helped to further innovation as colour was now introduced. As of now, there are many manufacturers and various designs of the television. This was a significant improvement from the radio which could only pass across audio signals only.

Importance of the television

Since the invention of the television, it has helped immensely in broadcasting a lot of information. It serves as a medium for people to use as a means of advertising products and services, delivering entertainment right in the comfort of the home of the owner, helps in delivering news swiftly across the people and many programs are made to serve as education and a source of knowledge to everyone as it covers all the age groups. In recent times, a very high majority of households possess a television set and some of them possess more than one. Even as there are many advantages to this innovation, it also carries a little bit of demerits along with it.


  • It helps in advancement of general knowledge
  • It provides a source of entertainment.
  • It helps students in their academics as they can come across any of the renowned scientists delivering a lecture
  • It is also a form of activity that can bring the family together.


Even as it poses to have a lot of help, it also has some disadvantages;

  • It serves as a distraction in cases of carrying out a responsibility
  • Staying too close to it is harmful to the eyes due to the rays it emits
  • It is time consuming


The television is one of the greatest things that has been established in mankind and as useful as it is, it has to be used in moderation and there are ways that have been prepared to use this gadget properly.

Televison – Short Essay 2.

This short essay on television contains introduction, brief history of television in India, its uses, and a conclusion.


Television is one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century. Today it is as popular as a radio. Television is a good and healthy source of both entertainment and education.

The world seems to have become small because of television. We can see with our eyes the events that take place hundred and thousands of kilometers away from us. Thus, television is a powerful medium of mass communication.

Brief History in India

Television started in India in September 1959. The first programs presented on television were meant for schools and rural area. The television set up was delinked from the All-India Radio in April, 1976. The television set up was called Doordarshan. The Ninth Asian Games were held in New Delhi in November, 1982. Doordarshan started telecasting some programs in colour. At present our colour television has a special charm for the public.

Uses of Television

Television is useful for a developing country like India. We depend upon agriculture. Our farmers are not educated. They do not know the scientific methods of farming. Television is helpful in this field. It educates our farmers. Thus it may play an important part in building our economy.

The population of our country is rising very fast. We can use our television to show the advantages of a small family. People all over the country can be educated about family planning schemes. Besides, television can be used for the spread of education.

The aim of our television programs is to promote national integration. India is a very big country. It is a land of different religions, cultures and languages. Television can bring about the cultural unity of the country. It can promote national integration. We can develop international understanding through television programs.

One of the chief aims of television is to give us pleasure. Many programs on television are meant for our entertainment. Sometimes games and sports are televised.


Television is very important for us. Its prices have also come down. Now people are after colour television. Many of us do not like the black and white set. Television programs are also coming up to the mark.

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