Save Water Save Life – Short Essay

Water is the essential natural resource which humankind has. It is believed that first traces of life were found in water. Almost 70 percent of our planet is covered with water and life on earth is impossible without water. Hence you should save water save a life, i.e., to save life on earth you must save water.

Water is needed for our various daily needs and activities and in this process; we end up wasting much water. It is high time now as water resources are depleting and we have to realize and save water for saving a life.

Water availability affects life directly as every living thing needs hydration by drinking, or other forms of water absorption. Lack of water will stop life.

Good quality potable water is important for consumption, for cleaning cooking domestically.

Day by day good quality water is not so easily available. The sources of water are highly polluted and contaminated causing many animal deaths.

The contaminated water also causes the fish and other aquatic life much

More and more the new urban centers are moving towards beautification of areas by adding greener. The choice of tree, however, must be based on the natural ecology of the area. Often trees requiring much water are planted in arid areas. This takes up much water which could have been saved for consumption.

Not heeding to the natural habitat, farmers are attracted by high paying crops that require much water in regions that are relatively dry. The irrigation then requires a disproportionate amount of water.

Making artificial watering holes has become necessary for wildlife to save them from wandering into human territory as it is dangerous for both.

Conclusion: It is mandatory for everyone to take steps to save water as with the increasing human population the consumption must increase.

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