Essay on Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges are a part of everyone’s lives and while some may face more difficulties others may face less tough challenges.

Some challenges become very difficult to overcome and the odds get stacked up against us. But we are all capable to overcome any challenges or odds that come to our way. This is because challenges and difficult times are a way of God to make you stronger and He will not give you a challenge that you cannot overcome.

Having a never quit attitude is primary to overcome difficult situations. Some qualities that will help you overcome challenges.

  1. You must tell yourself that you can. You should use the challenge to bring out the best in you. It is time to analyse the problem clearly and then look out for a solution. Be determined that no matter what happens you are not going to fail.   With this mindset you can easily win over any situation.
  2. In case of serious problems and bad situations most people tend to lose their cool and get stressed. It is at this time that you should recollect your qualities and stay calm and focused. Getting panicked will not help you in any case. So in a bad situation it is time to take a deep breath and relax and think about the problem with a free mind.
  3. Even the most successful people on this globe have suffered failure at some point of time. So if you face failure then you must use it to fuel your energy and remove fear in a positive manner. It is not bad to fail, but the problem arises when you do not get up and start moving again. Many people avoid the challenges of life because of a fear of falling down. It does not matter how many times you fall it matters how many times you get up and walk towers your goals. Learn from your past mistakes and prepare yourself for the future.
  4. If the problem seems too big to solve then you can break it into smaller elements. This will make it easier for you to plan your way atop it. Think with maturity and work out each step of solving your problem.   Breaking down the problem makes it easier to understand and solve.
  5. In order to overcome your challenges you must have faith and confidence on your own self. You must consider all possibilities of solving the problem and use maximum of your efforts. People in this world face more terrible situations then you do and they even overcome their challenges. Most of the time challenges are presented to be difficult and can be solved with just firm determination and positive attitude.
  6. Many people think about past negative events and the worst things that would happen if they fail. As a result they lose their energy in such thoughts and get an inferiority complex. So do not label yourself as failure and work towards your goals.


The power to overcome your challenges lies in your mind and will power. No one else can take you to the path of success or solve your problems. But do follow these amazing tips.

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