Essay on Causes and Effects of Deforestation

Deforestation is the act of people cutting down trees without the intent of planting new ones. The land that was initially a forest cover is the used for non forest use. Deforestation has been the major cause of the poor climatic conditions that are being witnessed globally.

Causes of deforestation

One of the major causes of deforestation is With the increase in population in many parts of the world, it is becoming more difficult for people to fit in the urban areas. They hence result to deforestation for more land.

Deforestation also occurs as a result of increased mining activities. Due to the high prices of minerals and high demand, people result to damage forests to earn money.

Deforestation is also caused by the increased demand for Since paper is made from trees, lots of trees every year are cut down to increase production.

Another cause of deforestation is ranching and agricultural activities. Most people who do not have enough land to expand their agricultural activities result in cutting down trees.

The expansion of infrastructure also causes deforestation. When governments and people decide to expand roads, electrification or build railways, forests are cut down to give more space for the construction.

Logging is also a major cause of deforestation.   This involves cutting down trees to produce timber, firewood or produce charcoal. Logging is the major cause of illegal cutting down of trees.

Deforestation also occurs as a result of This is where people construct industries in forests due to the lack of land in urban areas.

People also cut down trees to get ingredients from them. One most common ingredient that has caused the cutting down of palm trees is the production of palm oil which is believed to have medicinal benefits.

Wild fires have also led to the destruction of many trees. Since wild fires spread fast, they may leave a large area of land bare.

Deforestation also occurs as a result of mass ignorance. When the public, especially those in rural areas, are not educated on the importance of forest covers, then deforestation will persist.

Effects of deforestation

Deforestation causes the loss of species in the environment. Cutting down trees can result to the loss of indigenous tree species and endangered wildlife species.

Another effect of deforestation is the destruction of natural habitats. Many animals that live in forests are forced to flee their homes when forests are destroyed and this may even cause the death of some animals.

Deforestation also leads to soil erosion. Forest covers act as soil covers to prevent soil from being swept away by running water. When they are destroyed, fertile soils are eroded.

Deforestation leads to the migration and displacement of native people. Some native communities live in forests and when they are destroyed, these people are left homeless.

Another effect of deforestation is Trees have roots that retain water in case of heavy rain. Cutting down trees causes the inability of soil to retain water which leads to flooding.

Deforestation also causes the increased acidity of oceans. Since cutting down trees leads to increased carbon dioxide, rain water that goes into the oceans becomes acidic and this leads to destruction of marine life.

Cutting down trees also leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Since trees limit the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, cutting them down results to an increase in the tons of carbon in the air.

Cutting down trees also result in climate change. Trees are responsible for the formation of rainfall and cutting them down affects the climate negatively.

Deforestation also leads to desertification which means that most of the land is left bare and dry.

The decrease of life quality is also caused by deforestation. This is where people who depend on forests for food and materials are left with no source of income.


As seen from above, the effects of deforestation are very dire and continuing with the practice can lead to the death of the planet. Since many people depend on trees for their livelihood, then the mass should be educated to limit the number of trees they cut every year and also learn how to plant new trees whenever they cut down a tree to protect our forest covers.

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