Elections: Essay on Elections

Election is the process in which a group of people votes for someone to hold the public office.

Elections are very important to determine the future of any country as if some country wants development, the people of the country should vote for a candidate who promises the development of the country than the development of a particular community or caste. The country can get developed and can get one of the best countries in the world only if people elect a person who has the thinking same as the population of the country and, i.e. development.

Elections carry huge importance for a nation and here are some points which can demonstrate it:

  • When someone gets elected by the people of the country, he feels that the country has shown faith on him and he should also do such deeds which can do wonders in favor of people of the country. In this way, the election can help both the candidate as well as the population of the country.
  • A lot of countries do not use elections to elect someone as their President or Prime Minister, and in such countries, a royal family takes all the decision which people of the country have to agree. In this way, people of the country do not have any rights as they always have to agree on what their kind or queen orders. On the other hand, a bill can only get passed when it gets sanctioned by the entire parliament which means that any bill which gets passed should get passed with the agreement of some experienced and educated group of people.
  • People who have a feeling that their government is corrupt have a chance to replace it next timebecause there are always a lot of candidates and people can choose which candidate cannot get corrupt, and they can have a corruption free country.
  • People need to understand that making a government is a huge task and one cannot cast his vote without researching about anything. You need to research everything about the candidate as to how it can help you and your country and how other candidates can be better than him or he can be better than others and then only you should cast your vote. Because your vote can cause a huge difference, so think twice before indulging in the election of any person.
  • Nowadays the process of the election also takes place at various colleges and universities, and when the students cast their votes to various candidates during that period, and it doesn’t work well in their favor, they should learn from their mistake. So, when it is the time for the election for the country, people should cast their vote to the best person.

The election is always a good way to find the best person who can run the country.

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