Values: Short Essay on Values

Values, morals, ethics are a core topic that has been studied throughout the history of human civilization.

In fact, it can be said that Values or Morals or Ethics form the very base of the human civilization as we know it today.

Without Values, we would have no human social development, no social structure and no civilization growth. All ancient civilizations focused on teaching different Moral Codes and Values to their citizens. This formed the very basis of the development of the human psyche. Hence though there are differences, there are many similarities in the basic Values taught in all ancient Civilizations and Religions too.

Our Values as human beings are shaped and cultivated by various different influences over centuries. Some major influences are:

  1. Mythological characters and stories
  2. Ancient Scriptures and the teachings from different Philosophers like Chanakya, Aristotle, Socrates, etc.
  3. Religious influences like Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, etc.
  4. Historic Influences that shaped human history like scientific revolution, World Wars, etc.
  5. Modern influences like the technological revolution

Human Values can be classified into various types:

Individual: Every human being needs to understand the difference between right and wrong. This helps one lead a righteous, happy and satisfied life. It is our Values that help us choose the path of righteous behaviour.

Family: There are some Values that are cultivated and shared by family members like some religious values, etc.

Social: There are some Values that help establish the social fabric and structure in societies all over the world. These are the Values that determine your behaviour towards your neighbour and social members. For example, Earning Wealth and being Successful are great individual Values, but one cannot do that by stealing Wealth from others. So respect for each other, non-violence, social decency, cleanliness and hygiene are some examples of good Social Values.

National: Some Value related to events of historic significance for a particular country, bind the population of that country together and become their national values.

Global: There are some Values like respect for the Environment, Controlling Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Reducing Plastic Usage, Wildlife Conservation, etc. have achieved Global significance in today’s world.


It is important to learn and follow Values in all aspects of life to lead a moral and satisfied life.

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