Short Paragraph on Gardening

Paragraph On Gardening

Gardening as a hobby is not only pleasurable but also profitable. It is a delightful pastime. One may take delight in rowing vegetables, fruits and flowers in one’s own garden. When the trees burst into blossom or are laden with fruits, one finds one’s labor amply rewarded.

Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening

It is really a pleasure to see the flowers open to the sunlight and to taste or share with one’s friends, the fruits grown by one’s own labor. Gardening develops a sense for beauty and joy in nature. Besides that, it brings profit to a poor family, as fruits and vegetables are more costly now than before.

Moreover, gardening is one of the most healthful occupations. It provides splendid exercise in the fresh air. As for the planning of a garden there is abundant scope for careful thought, for imagination and individual ideas. So there is plenty of scope for using our brains as well as our limbs.

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