Short Essay on Peacock for Students

The peacock is the national bird of India and is considered to be the most beautiful treasure of nature too. Peacocks also have significance in Hinduism and have been considered as a part of our tradition, culture, and symbol. Peacock feathers are also equally sacred in Hinduism. Countless people in India keep peacock feathers inside their homes.

Peacock is the national bird of India. Peacock has a beautiful tail which it spread out especially after rain to express joy. This is one of the brilliants sights of nature. The tail has multiple colors, especially blue and green. It has a beautiful blue crown on its head.

The body of the peacock is a brilliant shining blue. The peahen, on the other hand, is plain, and brown in colour.

They usually tend to roost in places that are high above the ground such as trees or roofs.

Peacocks are male whereas peahens are female. Together, they are known as peafowl.

By nature, the peacock is a shy bird and runs away at the slightest of sounds. Peacocks are found in flocks, mostly. It is usual to find entire families of peacocks if you come across one, along with the peahens and the peafowl chicks.

Peacocks cannot fly high; they can fly on a low height. They can be found sitting on treetops where they can watch. Peacocks can run at a speed of 16 km/hr.

The species of peafowl are of three distinct types – Congo peafowl, green peafowl, and the Indian peafowl.

Peacock feathers are also used for decorative purposes and for making decorative articles. Unfortunately, this has led to hunting of peacocks.


Peacocks are the national birds of India and with excellent reason. Their beauty, strength, and grace are a representation of everything that India is about. Peacocks are also gentle birds with a pleasant sound calling out to other peacocks. They should be left alone.

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