Paragraph on Importance of Sports in Education

Importance of sports in education

Sports are an inseparable part of education. Every curriculum must include some kind of sporting activity.

It is considered a form of Physical education. This is training of the body as education is training the mind.

A sport is a physical activity that balances out all the mental activities that take place in school. It gives a break from the monotony of the class instructions.

Sports can be considered one of the subjects taught in the curriculum that some students will excel in and so need guidance.

Sports keep the body of the student fit and supple. The body becomes healthy and prepares their mind for studies.

In sports, concentration is an important factor. Learning concentration in sports helps in studies as well.

In team sports, a student learns the value of team work which is an essential part of education for the real world.

Sports give students a platform on which the students learn to perform in public. This builds confidence and takes away a part of the stage fright.

Sports must always be encouraged in all schools.

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