Motivational Movies for Students | 21 Inspirational Movies that must be in Student’s Watchlist

There comes a point in everyone’s life when we feel dejected and lost. Dealing with the neck to neck competition in this modern world can be really difficult and we even want to give up at times. Don’t just give up and uplift your spirits with the Inspirational Movies out there. If you find yourself with a lack of motivation just check out the Best Motivational Movies that can boost your confidence.

Gone are the days when traditional classroom training alone can motivate and inspire the students. All of us are aware children love entertainment and motivating them through Movies can be an easy way. Being a Parent or Teacher you will understand this even better. In today’s era, we are equipped with projectors and smart classrooms. Screening out some movies that inspire you to work hard isn’t that difficult.

We have listed some of the Highly Motivational Movies for Students that can teach them the value of hard work and proper education. Have a glance at the 21 Inspirational Movies every student must watch to keep up the spirit, get motivated.

Top Motivational Movies for Students

If you need something to uplift from melancholy, a good movie can always be of help and provide you the jolt you need. We have mentioned 21 Inspirational Movies every student must watch. They will not just inspire you and keep you motivated in achieving your goals but also gives you a powerful message that will stick with you long after watching.

Good Will Hunting (1997)


IMDb Rating – 8.3/10

Cast & Crew: Good Will Hunting boasts an illustrious cast including Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Stellan Skarsgard. This American film was written by Affleck and Matt Damon and was helmed by Gus Van Sant.

Story: Matt Damon played the lead role of a 20-year-old young man. The Hero is gifted with innate potentials in Chemistry and Mathematics and he doesn’t realize his potential. The film will inspire many to discover the hidden talents they have.

Lean on Me (1989)


IMDb Rating – 7.4/10

Cast & Crew – Written by Michael Schiffer and include cast Morgan Freeman, directed by John G. Avildsen

Story: Do you need a second chance at Study or your Career?

Lean on Me is a dramatized biographical film that is based on a true story. An Unorthodox teacher who had been fired as a principal returns to idyllic high school to find the devoid of success. This movie can be of great help to build ou up and get you through the pile of study. There can be nothing other than a true story to uplift your spirits.

The Paper Chase (1973)


IMDb Rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by James Bridges. It is an inspirational Hollywood Movie starring Timothy Bottoms, John Houseman, and Lindsay Wagner.

Story: Sometimes study does not come easily – often we need to learn to “set the mode”.

The Paper Chase concentrates on the hardworking and studious James T. Hart who struggles during his first year at Harvard. This movie can be apt for those who are facing difficulty and struggling to keep the motivation alive.

21 (2008)


IMDb Rating – 6.8/10

Cast & Crew: 21 is a 2008 American movie directed by Robert Luketic starring Jim Sturgess & Kevin Spacey.

Story: The film is inspired by the true story of MIT Blackjack Team said in Bringing Down the House, the best selling book by Ben Mezrich.

A talented student who entered Harvard University demonstrates his unique experience like no other students to get a scholarship. The Scholarship was won by a student from Korea who had no leg and the task is not that easy. The Student is lucky enough to meet a Maths Teacher who finds his talent and gives an unusual deal to him. If you aren’t aware of what to write in the motivational letter for your professors then this movie is definitely worth watching.

Forrest Gump (1994)


IMDb Rating – 8.8/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks

Story: This movie is about an inspiring story of a man having a low IQ and achieves incredible feats. He wins the medal of honor for bravery and becomes an expert ping pong player. He inspires the famous dance of Elvis Presley and makes money by selling shrimps.

It is a truly inspirational story that everyone should watch. It shows nothing is impossible if you are willing enough. The famous line in the movie is – “Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get”.

Theory of Everything (2014)


IMDb Rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: James Marsh directed this movie starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones

Story:  The movie is about the story of the greatest cosmologist and physicist of our time namely Stephen Hawking. Being a brilliant student of Astrophysics, he learns that he is suffering from motor neurone disease. Doctors predict that he will be alive for 2 more years.

He remarkably defied medical calculations and stayed up to 76 years of age. In his lifespan, he became famous throughout and made eminent contributions in the world of cosmology and Physics. It is inspirational for the ones with special needs and there isn’t any boundary for what you can achieve.

42 (2013)


IMDb rating – 7.5/10

Cast & Crew: This Brian Helgeland helmed movie featured Chadwick Aaron Boseman in the lead role also starring Harrison Ford.

Story: This Inspirational Story Drama Portrays the real-life story of America’s baseball icon Jackie Robinson. He was the first black player to feature Major League in the Modern Era. It tells a lot to students about racism that was in practice in the USA. It helps students understand how difficult it can be to overcome challenges and why they should preserve.

The Social Network (2010)


IMDb Rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: “The Social Network” is an American drama movie written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher in 2010. Jesse Eisenberg depicted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg while Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield played supporting roles.

Story: The story shows the journey of Mark Zuckerberg from Harvard University Student to a multi-millionaire and an inspiring one to everyone. It inspires you to become an awesome genius like the man himself. Social Network developed by him tells every student how they can turn their dreams into reality.

The Breakfast Club (1985)


IMDb Rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy-drama directed, written and produced by John Hugges in 1985.

Story: It is about how 5 students from different backgrounds end up together for detention, open up for each other. The movie tells that students can find friendship in the most unexpected ways. It is a must-watch for every student and is regarded as an evergreen teen cult movie.

Motivational Movies for Students Freedom Writers(2007)


IMDb Rating –7.6/10

Cast & Crew: This movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and featured Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey

Story: It is an inspirational movie that includes a young teacher who inspires her troublesome class to pursue studies even after high school. she has to contend with risk students divided among themselves, opposing marriage and struggling marriage, money shortage. Students who get to see this movie will bound to see their teachers in a new light.

Motivational Movies for Students Life of Pi (2012)


IMDb Rating – 7.9/10

Cast & Crew: The Movie directed by Ang Lee includes both Indian and Foreign Actors. The film stars Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irfan Khan, Rafe Spall, Tabu, and Gerard Depardieu. It won many awards at premiere film festivals around the world.

Story: Movie revolves around the life of Pie-Patel a 16 year lol who was born in Hindu but believes all three religions for the love of God. It is the story of a boy as per the novelist and how he survived during a shipwreck and marooned in the Pacific Ocean along with a Bengal Tiger for companionship on a lifeboat. The movie will teach students how to realize hidden strengths when pushed to a corner.

Motivational Movies for Students Stand and Deliver(1988)


IMDb Rating – 7.9/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Ramón Menéndez, starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Will Gotay and Vanessa Marquez

Story: It is based on the true story of a high school mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante.

The movie tells about how an idealistic maths teacher supports his “no-hoper” students to study by adopting unusual teaching methods. “Stand and Deliver” is an inspirational movie for students who think they are hopeless in their studies.

Rush (2013)


IMDb Rating – 8.1/10

Cast & Crew: Written by Peter Morgan and directed by Ron Howard. Movie stars Chris Helmsworth and Daniel Bruhl. The film is a racy one that won the BAFTA award for best editing.

Story: The plot of the movie is about two F1 racers of 1970s James Hunt and NikiLauda. Both of them are intense rivals and the film stars their stretch to their limits to show supremacy on tracks. The Movie is for the driving buff with exhilarating race sequences on the screen.

You will get the gruelling conditions during an F1 race and how the rivalry spurred the other to fine-tune their skills.

Boyhood (2014)


IMDb Rating – 7.9/10

Cast & Crew: It is written and directed by Richard Linklater. The Movie stars Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Hawke, and Lorelei Linklater. The film was admired for being shot for over 12 years.

Story: The unique thing about the movie was it was shot over a course of 12 years and the story renders life over 12 years’ time.  A major part of the film is about MJ’s life when living with his mother after his parent’s divorce. The movie stars the emotional depth of life of a boy during his teens. The film covers the poignant moments of both fatherhood and motherhood.

Children can understand the happenings in their parents’ live in context to modern times.

The Blind Side(2009)


IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: The Blind Side is an American biographical sports drama film written & directed by John Lee Hancock in 2009. Sandra Bullock starred in the leading role.

Story: It is based on the true story of Michael Oher adopted by a loving supportive family the Tuohys. Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband Sean offer him shelter and extend their welcome. Leigh Ann discovers Michael’s  Strength and helps him understand his strengths better. He has got a positive effect on his football skills. At last, he becomes a successful football player with strong support from the family irrespective of going through rough patches.

Motivational Movies for Students The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)


IMDb Rating – 7.7/10

Cast & Crew: Helmed by Gabriele Muccino, this biopic featured Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith as Chris Gardner and his son respectively.

Story: Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film based on the life of entrepreneur Chris Gardner and is directed by Gabriele Muccino in 2006. Will Smith plays the role of a brokerage house with sheer determination and will power.

Warrior (2011)


IMDb Rating – 8.2/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Gavin O’Connor and the movie stars Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte, and Tom Hardy.

Story: The story of the film is about Two MMA Champions who meet for a fight without knowing the fact that they are estranged brothers. Two brothers fight tournaments for different reasons and end p fighting one another. In the end, brothers reconcile their differences and the movie closes with a smiling shot of the father.

The film has some great shots on the MMA Fighting and the major theme is reconciliation and redemption of the human spirit. Family Bonds and power of forgiveness are well explored in the movie.

Half Nelson (2006)


IMDb Rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: It is an American Drama Film directed by Ryan Fleck in 2006 and written by Anna Boden & Fleck. Ryan Gosling,  Anthony Mackie, and Shareeka Epps played the lead roles.

Story: Movie focuses on the inner-city middle-school teacher who becomes friends with one of his students. Then, later finds out he has a drug habit. Similar to other movies based on good teachers, Half Nelson tells the story of ordinary people struggling with genuine problems and still maintains hope.

The Internship(2013)


IMDb Rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: It’s an American Comedy movie directed by Shawn Levy in 2013 and written by Vince Vaughn & Jared Stern. Vaughn and Levy produced the film.

Story: The Internship is about Billy and Nick, two middle-aged salesmen. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn played the characters of two salesmen who lost their jobs due to the arrival of the digital age. The film is about how these two managed to get a chance to do an internship with Google and prove their worth.

Everest (2015)


IMDb Rating – 7.1/10

Cast & Crew: The Biological Adventure Film was directed and produced by BaltasarKormakur. The film was scripted by Simon Beaufoy and William Nicholson. The movie cast includes Jason Clarke, Emily Watson, John Hawkes, and Keira Knightley among others.

Story: The Story is set in Everest and is about the disaster that took place in the mountain in 1996. Two expedition groups survive and face difficulties during climbing and descent. The film portrays the intense peril and thrill of being able to view the Everest.

The movie tells how things can go wrong in a way we wouldn’t hope and what is shown in happy ending movies.

The Great Debaters (2007)


IMDb Rating – 7.6/10

Cast & Crew: It is an Inspirational American Movie starring Denzel Washington released in the year 2007. Denzel Washington himself is the director and the producer is Oprah Winfrey.

Story: It is in reference to an article written about the Wiley College debate team.

Thinking of Teaching & Training Others? It is a dramatic retelling of the story about Melvin B. Tolson a professor who inspired his students to challenge Harvard at the debating championship.

It can be great to lift the study spirit of students, especially if they have been inspired at some point by a wonderful teacher.

FAQs on Motivational Movies for Students

1.  What are some highly motivational movies for students?

You can look forward to the aforementioned article to know some of the best inspirational movies that can lift up your spirits.

2. Which Movie is best for students?

Here is the list of best inspirational movies Good Will Hunting, Lean on Me, Pursuit of Happyness, Blind Side, Rush, etc.

3. Can I get a list of some Motivational Movies for a student?

You can look up to the above-mentioned list of movies that will inspire you to work hard and never give up.

Wrapping Up

At times, you need to unwind and let go off the frustration building within you. Instead of resorting to the wrong means better watch these Motivational Movies for Students on your Laptop. If you like the article on 21 Inspirational Movies every student must watch, share it among your peers and friends to help them motivate and achieve their goals in life.

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