How is Gandhi Jayanti Celebrated?

Gandhi Jayanti is the birthday of Gandhi, and in many ways it is celebrated in a manner similar to other birthdays of loved ones. People gather together to talk about Gandhi and to celebrate his life. However, this day is also celebrated in a way which recognizes Gandhi’s importance as a public figure.

Thus, there are public holidays up and down the country in government offices, schools and many businesses. Speeches are made, and many celebrations will have a political tenor. Gandhi was a crucial figure in India’s twentieth century history, not least when we consider the question of Indian independence. It was Gandhi’s non violence civil disobedience that managed to propel the nation towards independence in the first half of the twentieth century.

If you would like to experience the heart of the celebrations on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, then it is best to travel to Delhi. This is because this is where the memorial to Gandhi can be found.

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