Essay on Unity Is Strength

We all have heard that unity is a strength because of some stories that we heard during our childhood. But most of us don’t know what unity is strength actually means.

We hear a lot of stories about unity from our childhood and our teachers that all of us should live our life with our friends and families and brothers etc. as living life alone makes us weak, and living life with our loved ones can make us stronger than ever before.

That is why it can get known that most of the rich persons in the world live with their families, friends, brother-sister or colleagues every time. It is because living with them not only give them moral support, but they get a feeling that no matter whatsoever happens in their lives, they have someone who will take care of them every time.

Why unity is very important in our lives

  • When we live with our parents or friends or other colleagues, we do better management of everything. It would be very noticeable from the fact that when you arrange a party at your home alone, and when you arrange a party at your home with your loved ones, the party in which your loved ones helped you would be much better than any other party. It is all because of the better management that one will have due to unity.
  • Unity also makes a balance in our life because sometimes we get worried about a lot of things in our life. For example, living at our houses, we worry about our job and tasks that we had to complete, and when we are united to our colleagues, we don’t need to worry as we know that if we are on leave, they will complete the work.
  • Unity also helps in creating trust between each other. Unity means that no matter what, you people will stand by each other in every situation and when the other person doesn’t escape even when the problem arises, it is the sign that you can trust on him and your unity will do wonders.
  • Unity also helps in making good relationships because when we get united to people of other countries, we are building relationships between two countries which is a great gesture.

Why is unity within the country very important?

Unity within the country is very important because nowadays if we look at the news around the world, we will get to see that a few powerful people are overpowering the common people. The common people within a country become powerless when they are divided between castes, communities, and religions. If they were united as one, nobody would have the power to create any kind of problematic or unfavorable decision for the common people. If we get united against every social and other problem, then only we will get able to fight against them and get rid of all the problems.


Though people still have problems in getting united with people of different castes and communities, they need to understand if they do not get united at this time interval, all the superpowers of the country will not let them have what they deserve. So, believe in unity, and get united to everyone.

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