Essay on Solar System for Students

Solar System Essay

The Solar System consists of the sun as well as other heavenly bodies that move around the sun which include the planets, the moons, meteoroids, comets, and the asteroids. There are a number of theories put forward by scientists explaining how the solar system could have been formed. The system is bound by gravity.

Components of the solar system

The biggest object as far as the solar system is concerned is the Sun which accounts for more than 99% of the total mass. Other bodies such as the planets move around the sun periodically in their paths known as the ellipses.

Planets that makes the inner solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth as well as Mars. These planets are commonly made up of rocks and iron. The outer part of the solar system is made up of planets such as Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, and Neptune. Below is a discussion of the same in details.


Sun is a star. It is the center of our solar system. The planets orbit around the sun.

The planets are:


It is the planet that is closest to the sun and consequently very hot. It is terrestrial in nature although with no atmosphere.


Also known as the Morning Star as well as the evening star is the jewel of the solar system. It is covered by swirling clouds. Known also as the sister planet to Earth it has an atmosphere and is terrestrial. The temperatures cannot support life in any form.


Earth, of course, is the green planet which supports life. Again a terrestrial planet it has optimum temperatures and an atmosphere to support a large variety of life. It comes with a satellite that we call the moon.


It is a terrestrial planet which is often suspected of having a life. It is called the red planet because of the reddish color of the rocks, soil, and sky. It was an inspiration for H. G. Wells, ‘War of the world.’


It is the largest planet in the solar system. It is made up of gases and has an intense atmosphere. It has faint rings and the Great Red Spot that are invisible from the Earth.


It is most known for the beautiful rings that encircle it. And it is the second largest planet in our solar system. It is also entirely made up of gases.


It is the third largest planet. It is tipped on its side possibly owing to a collision with another planet at some point. Its atmosphere has a greenish color.


It appears to be a lovely blue in color. It is also gaseous in nature. It comes with the Great Dark Spot. It has a few clouds that hover over the surface, the scooter being the most prominent one.


Pluto, the ninth planet is the farthest from the sun. It is also known as the dwarf planet. It has a thin atmosphere but freezing temperatures. Its surface shows some icy mountains on it. (Note: Pluto is not considered a planet. It is now considered a dwarf planet.)


The sun with all these planets and their moons along with comets and other bodies form our solar system. Studies conducted by scientists as far as the Solar system is concerned to have led to many discoveries being unearthed as well as helping people understand more about heavenly bodies such as comets and meteorites.

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