Essay on Good Manners for Students


Good manners refer to the social behavior of being polite and conducting oneself in a socially acceptable manner.

Good manners are very important in every stage of life whether as an adult or as a child. Good manners are mostly acquired from the teachings and behaviors of those around us.

Basic manners

Some of the basic manners that everyone should use all the time and in every situation include;

  1. To show gratitude and appreciation to others. This includes saying words like “thank you” when someone is kind towards you.
  2. Another basic manner is apologizing. One should show and say they are sorry after offending others.
  3. One should also ensure that they excuse themselves when leaving a room or when they want to do something.
  4. It is also good to complement others This is especially important if you are meeting someone for the first time or after a long time.
  5. Another basic etiquette is to initiate small talk around others. This is to create a friendly atmosphere.
  6. It is also good manners to smile around others and show a good attitude towards meeting people.
  7. It is also basic etiquette to use words like ‘please’ when borrowing something or when wanting help with something.

Good Manners at School

  1. While in class, one should ensure that they raise their hands when they want to ask a question or answer a question.
  2. As a student, you should also ensure that you talk to your teachers with a polite language.
  3. Another form of good manners at school is to ensure that you respect the property of your peers.
  4. Good manners in school are also enhanced through respecting other students. This includes not bullying others or making fun of others.
  5. Students should also learn how to use courtesy words like ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘sorry.

Good manners at home

  1. One form of good manners of good manners at home is speaking politely to our parents and siblings.
  2. You should also ensure that you show good table manners like clearing the table after finishing eating a meal.
  3. You should also help with the house chores which may include washing utensils, cleaning the house and cleaning laundry.
  4. You should use courtesy words like ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘sorry.
  5. Ones should also greet their parents and siblings in the morning and after coming back home. You should also ensure that you say your goodbyes before leaving.

Good Manners at the workplace

  1. You should offer to get your colleagues coffee if you are going to get one for yourself.
  2. You should avoid interrupting other people when they are talking especially in meetings.
  3. You should also learn to use courtesy words like ‘excuse me’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
  4. You should also hold the door if someone is coming behind you.
  5. It also good to avoid picking calls during meetings. You should also limit the time you use your phone in the office.

Good manners in social gatherings

  1. One should initiate small talk with people that they meet in social gatherings.
  2. It is good manners to put on a smile and ensure that you portray a good attitude.
  3. You should complement other people that you meet in social gatherings.
  4. You should also ensure that you dress well. Be neat and tidy.
  5. You should also uphold table manners when having meals in social gatherings.

Importance of good manners

  1. Good manners help you form better relationships with people that are around you.
  2. Good manners also help in shaping the kind of person that you are. You become a good person if you uphold manners.
  3. Having good manners will also increase your chances of being included and invited to events and gatherings.
  4. With good manners, people will treat you with more respect.
  5. Good manners at school will improve your discipline levels which may result to better grades.

How to improve good manners

  1. Constant practicing of good manners in every situation will improve your manners.
  2. You can also take classes at school that teach about good manners.
  3. You should also make a good choice of friends since friends influence how you interact with others.
  4. You also improve your manners by learning how to follow rules and regulations.


Having good manners is an essential element that everyone should have. You should hence ensure that you learn of the ways that you can learn good manners at home, school, at the work place and in social gathering to build good relationships.

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