Essay on Goals in Life

Goals in life

It is very important to lead a life that is goal oriented. A life that is governed by goals is not only focused but also planned. Goals in life refer to the targets that one sets and strives to accomplish. This requires discipline as well as determination because goals are like milestones.

Types of goals

There are goals that are short term in the sense that they are meant to be achieved in the near future. These goals could be pieces of one major goal that has been split to make it easier to achieve.

There are also long term goals which constitute of the major targets set to be achieved. Long term goals could take a long time hence require a lot of effort, day in day out so that they are achieved.

Personal goals are the kind of goals set for individual accomplishment. They require personal effort to achieve and will mostly depend on the focus and commitment of the concerned individual.

Group goals could also be referred to as collective goals and constitute the kind of goals that require collective effort to accomplish. Laxity on the side of one stakeholder could very easily affect the success of the others.

Examples of some good personal goals

An example of a personal goal is when an individual targets to save a certain amount of money by the end of a specified period of time. This goal is completely reliant on the efforts of this individual and no one else.

An example of a short term goal is when a student targets to complete an entire topic in his syllabus by the end of the week. A reference book could have many topics but completing one full topic is a short term goal.

An example of a long term goal is when the same student targets and strives to complete the entire reference book in say three weeks. This goal therefore has to be broken down in that the student handles one topic at a time.

Positive goals in life

Goals are only relevant if they serve to have a positive impact in one’s life. If a goal adds value then that makes it relevant. Examples of positive goals that one may come up with include;

  1. Quitting an addiction is a positive goal that would definitely add value to the life of the concerned. Addiction enslaves an individual to its consumption.
  2. Getting a promotion is also a positive goal for an employee because it would inspire hard work and quality so that the favor is deserved.
  3. Improving term grades is a positive goal for a student because better grades will earn him a good term performance at the end of the semester.
  4. When a unit in a company strives to increase production for that month, the employer will reward them if they succeed hence value added.

How to set goals

  1. When setting a goal, you should consider how big the goal is as this will help design a work formula.
  2. You should then proceed to outline the things that need to be done to achieve that goal. This will help you develop an action plan
  3. Breaking down the goal into smaller and more manageable goals is also important. This will help you accomplish the goal step by step.
  4. It is also important to consider how long accomplishing that goal could take as this will guide the plan. It will also help you to better manage your time.
  5. The best way to keep you focused on the goal is by rewarding yourself after every accomplished milestone.


Having goals in life is like having a purpose driven life. This makes life more worthwhile as it drives every effort towards a targeted end. You should set goals in every aspect of your life as accomplishing them will give you a sense of achievement. It is also advisable to set achievable goals.

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