Endangered Animals – Short Essay

Endangered animals are animals which are deemed to become extinct due to various factors. Due to reports, human beings are the major factors of this phenomenon either by poaching them or destroying their habitat. A lot of nations have put laws in place to protect animals that fall into this category.

Ways to protect the animals.

A lot of countries and organizations have set up various mediums to ensure these endangered animals are kept safe away from extinction.

Some of these methods include the establishment of wildlife reserves and zoos. There are factors to consider before declaring a species as endangered. The telling factor is the amount of the animals in the species found to be remaining. This helps for conservation because from the past till now there has been a large record of animals that have gone extinct. There is also a method used called captive breeding where at least two animals from the species comprising of a male and female are kept to procreate and establish more of their kind.

Examples of endangered animals

The International Union for the conservation of nature (IUCN) is the body in charge for regulating the animals’ level of endangerment. There is a very long list of animals that have been deemed as endangered and some of them will be listed here. Speaking of endangered animals, the IUCN has categorized the levels of the endangerment. The levels are endangeredcritically endangeredvulnerable, near threatened, least concernextinct.

These animals are considered endangered:

  • Amur Tiger
  • Mexican wolf
  • African penguin
  • Bengal Tiger
  • Asian elephant
  • Blue whale
  • Grey parrot
  • Japanese crane
  • Indian pangolin

Some of the animals critically endangered are:

  • Asiatic lion
  • Arabian leopard
  • Asiatic cheetah
  • Chinese alligator
  • Cross River gorilla
  • Florida panther
  • Imperial woodpecker
  • Philippine crocodile
  • Arakan forest turtle

Some of the animals that have gone extinct in the long run to eventually bring awareness to the idea of animals that have reduced drastically in the population are:

  • Aurochs
  • Dodo
  • Eastern cougar
  • Great auk
  • Caribbean monk seal
  • Guam flycatcher


There are so many animals that have been made endangered due to many factors including man made ones but we have also created different avenues to protect them and attain longevity of the animals. The epidemic is not fully stopped yet, but it’s been curbed significantly.

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