Economic Advantages of Joint Family System

The economic advantages of the joint family system are mentioned below in points:

1. It ensures at least a bare subsistence to all the members of the family.

2. The system has provided a safe and respectable home to every members of the family. This system provides a home and shelter for the aged, the infirm, and the disabled.

3. It promotes a sense of unity and solidarity among the members and thus renders the family unit strong in the struggle for existence and survival.

4. In the houses of the artisans, the system provides a simple division of labor, for each member may perform an allotted task. For instance, in a weaver’s family even the children and women have their parts to do in the preparatory processes.

5. Since a family maintains one establishment, there is some saving in expenses. Even a small income may, therefore maintain a larger number of people than would be possible in case each member were to maintain an individual household.

6. In the field of economic enterprise, it favors the starting of small-scale business with little initial capital. Free family labor is a great asset to such business.

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