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CC road: Meaning, construction process, and benefits
Cement concrete roads, commonly known as CC roads, are an essential part of our transportation infrastructure. They…
Traversing in surveying: Types and purpose
A traverse is a collection of connected lines whose lengths and directions are to be measured. Traversing is the…
Shear strength in soil mechanics
Shear strength is a fundamental property of soil that describes its ability to resist deformation and failure under…
Pycnometer: Meaning, types, applications and other details
Pycnometers are instruments used to gauge and contrast the densities or particular gravities of solids and liquids,…
Directing AI for better and smarter legislation
ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTSArtificial Intelligence (AI) is attracting the attention of entrepreneurs, political…
Finland’s journey, from neutral to NATO
ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTSOn April 4, 2023, Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), becoming…
Awaiting lift-off into the Second Space Age
ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTSThe Space Age began in 1957 with the launch of satellite Sputnik 1, and in 1961, cosmonaut…
Why HR Should Not Treat Everyone The Same
I know it sounds crazy. I know it goes against everything we’re taught about HR. But I believe HR really shouldn’t…
Don’t Treat Your Employees Like You Want To Be Treated
We’ve all been told that we should treat others the same way we want to be treated; however, don’t take this…
Time to put a price on carbon emissions
ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTSIn the absence of a price for the use of natural resources such as air and forests,…