Autobiography of a Sparrow – Short Essay

Who am I? I am a Sparrow I am also known as true sparrow or old world sparrow. I am a tiny bird, I belong to the family Passeridae.

I am small and petite, I love to fly here and there, with my tiny and petite structure and shape I am able to achieve this.

I come in a different type. Like American sparrow, Java sparrow, Eurasian tree sparrow. I consist of 43 species divided into 8 genera and the family name was Passeridae.


I am indigenous to Europe, Africa and Asia. There are some imported species of me in Australia, (except Western Australia) and America. I can be found in grasslands, desserts and scrubland, a canopy of cloud forest and open woodland.


  • Breeding in solitary or loose colonies.
  • I am generally small, plump and brown and grey in colour.
  • I have a short tail and a stubby, powerful beak.
  • I am one of the birds classify as a weaver.
  • I am colourful.
  • I am a singer.
  • I am a seed-eater. I feed on grains of plants. Although some of my family members are carnivorous. They feed on a little insect that comes their way. Some also are scavengers.
  • I have a certain adaptation towards eating seeds. Like, elongated and specialized alimentary canal, I have a bone called paraglossae which helps to stiffen the tongue when holding the seed.


  • I engage in a dust bath.
  • I also bath with water or dry or melting snow.
  • I and my colleagues have a social life. During the bathing time, it always involves a hundred birds bathing at the same time and we also engage in group singing.

Economics importance.

  • Biological control. I am used under biologic control method of controlling an infestation of a pest. As an insect eater; I am employed to a farm to feed on the insect that invades the farmland.
  • I was considered as the goddess of love by the ancient Greek due to my lustfulness.
  • I was kept as a pet.

I am a bird, a sparrow to be precise, I will be a companion for a listener that wishes to listen to me. Also, I am a great artist, a great weaver.

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