Overall Effects of Competition and Factors of Enterprises

Overall Effects of Competition and Factors of Enterprises

Charran (1975) at Sengal reported result of rotation experiments as-

1. Groundnut grows well after any crop but benefits little from previous crop.
Groundnut is good to precede any cereal, especially rain fed rice.
2. Cotton yields better after maize, groundnut and pearl millet but it is affected by preceding sorghum successive is not good.
3. Any crop following rain fed rice yields poorly; successive rains fed rises are not good.
4. Sorghum grows well after groundnut and cotton. So cotton and groundnut are good preceding crops for sorghum while sorghum after sorghum is not good.

Types of Enterprises Factors Governing Choice and Size of Enterprises:

1. Competition Effect:

Competition of intercropped species for high light, nutrients, water, carbon dioxide and other growth factors.

2. Complementary Effect:

Effect of one component on another, which enhance growth and productivity, as compared to competition above.

Component Crops:

Individual crop species, which are a part, the multiple cropping systems.
Farm enterprises: An individual crop or animal production function within a farming system, which is the smallest unit for which resources use and cost return analysis is normally carried out.

The Principle of Combing Enterprises:

A farm manager is often confronted with the problems as to what enterprises to select and the level at which each enterprises should be taken up. How far he can go far or should go in combine enterprises with another depends partly on the inter-relationships, between different enterprises and the prizes of products and inputs.

Overall Effects of Competition and Factors of Enterprises