Afforestation of Areas of Major and Minor Irrigation Tanks and Ponds

Afforestation of Areas of Major and Minor Irrigation Tanks and Ponds

Afforestation of Foreshore Areas of major and minor irrigation tanks and projects and ponds in dry farming areas:
In construction of new Irrigation and power projects large extents of tree growth are felled. Large areas are dug up to collect earth for raising bunds, that is, quarry and burrow pits are extensively exploited. Generally in all such places the top soil is removed and rocks get exposed. Such areas should be afforested by hardy species, such as Eucalyptus, Acacias, Neem and Albizzias; in heavy rainfall Teak, Mahogony, Mango, Cassia and Bamboo can be planted.

If the catchments of these projects are bare, as is the case in many of our projects, the areas should be contour trenched and afforested to prevent the reservoirs from silting up. In fact the afforestation of the catchment should form a part of the project cost.

In the foreshores of the minor projects and tanks, etc., the government had some time ago, permitted cultivation by weaker sections. This had added to the silting speed of the tanks and reservoirs. Again, an exposed tank, spread over extensive areas, is badly affected by evaporation of water. Ideally we should have small deep tanks that are well surrounded by trees.

On the belt above the maximum water level contour trenching will prevent silting and on the mounds and in the trenches trees and shrubs can be raised. In the tank bed itself, species of Acacias can be planted which withstand submergence for quite some time.

Afforestation of Areas of Major and Minor Irrigation Tanks and Ponds